08.13.23: Inner Coach

Inner Coach 最重要的作用是强迫自己打开自己,迎接而不是对抗外部挑战,这就意味着,你可以跑更长的距离,或者倾听更强烈反对的意见,并且能够在外部挑战进入之后,仍然能够正常处理这些信息(熵增),并把它们最终消化吸收为内在秩序的一部分。

08.13.23: Inner Coach
Photo by Wade Austin Ellis / Unsplash

本周的主题的是 Inner Coach 内在教练。

它来自于 Scott Belsky 的一篇短文

I’ll often whisper to myself towards the end of a hard run, “Come on, give me another sprint…another mile, you can rest later.” This “inner coach” voice has developed over recent years. It celebrates a good run and calls me out when I’m sloppy. When running around the Central Park reservoir, there is a certain stretch I call “the straight shot.” When I reach this point about two miles into my morning run when I am in NYC, my inner coach reminds me to sprint it from start to finish. Doesn’t matter if I’m on a recovery run, feeling under the weather, or exhausted. I do it to remind myself that I always can despite the circumstances, and my inner coach won’t let me get away with an excuse. I’ve come to realize this inner voice is what keeps us honest with ourselves and performant across many parts of our life. All too often we think that, if nobody else notices a short-cut we take, that we can get away with it. But your inner coach cannot be fooled. Your inner coach stubbornly remembers everything. And the self-reliance, strength, and commitment to raw truth that result from empowering and respecting your inner coach makes you better. Develop this inner coach persona in your head. And pay attention to your terrain for anything that can be merchandised to yourself (and team) as a moment of challenge like my “straight shot” around the reservoir and tuck these sprints in.

原文讲了 12 条关于跑步的思考,这是其中一条。说起跑步,算是今年我重新拾起来的一个习惯,从春天开始,到现在已经跑了小半年,身体状态在日复一日的打磨中逐渐变好,看到这篇文章也会更感同身受。

而 Inner Coach 的这个想法却是新的。它是一种内在的精神力量,构建在人对自身力量的想象之上,在无时不刻的自我提示中,完成新的挑战。自从读完了这段话,我开始尝试延长跑步的距离,竟然每一次都成功了,虽然只是从 3 公里延长到 5 公里——相比于朋友圈里面的轻松晒出来的成绩相形见绌,但也是不小的进步。之前,到了接近 3 公里距离的时候,我就会开始想象停下来放松的走路,以及回家在沙发上喝冷饮的情景;而现在,Inner Coach 替代了这种想象,他在内心呼唤:无论如何都要继续跑下去。


这就把我们带向了 Sam Lessin,在接受 The Generalist 的采访时,他这样讲道:

What trait do you value most highly in others?
I help keep myself honest by soliciting feedback. I am very into sharing shitty ideas at high velocity and relying on others to keep me intellectually in check. I think that’s a mental position worth cultivating: one where you’re willing to be wrong on almost anything, all the time, without stressing it. Trying to avoid being wrong is a path to being intellectually dishonest with yourself and others.

Sam Lessin 的这个观点在很多投资人身上(或者嘴上)并不少见。我之前分享过的 Strong Opinions, Weakly Held 其实也是类似的意思。这个观念最早来自于未来学家、Stanford 教授 Paul Saffo,他这样写道(抱歉,因为原文很短,所以我几乎引用了其中的一半):