10.15.23: Retention Business


10.15.23: Retention Business
Photo by Patrick Tomasso / Unsplash

本周的主题是 Retention Business 留存生意。

在一条推文中,Linear 的创始人 Karri Saarinen 这样写道:

Most of us are in the retention business. We like to see our customers stick around, build trust and loyalty. Quality of the product, and customer is one the key drivers of that - yet many companies forget that.


这句话是在一大段关于 Quality 品质的讨论中的结尾。他援引 Timeless Way of Building 一书中的 quality without a name 概念:

What he is saying is that quality exists, it can be experienced and perceived, but it cannot be described by words. A town, place, or building that just feels good and natural.


「无名的品质」无法被衡量,按照管理的常识,无法衡量,也就无法被激励,进而就无法被实现。这种还原论式的观念自工业革命后就薪火相传,直到今天 AI 降临,仍然具有统治性的思想地位。持有此种观点或许会让管理工作变简单——恐怕也是管理大规模业务的唯一方法,人和人的信任度随着群体规模的上升而下降,这时只有数字简单可依赖。



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